What is the Access Toolkit for Artworkers, how was it made, and
who made it happen?
Learn how to centre access throughout planning including how to
gather access needs, sharing opportunities, financial planning,
fundraising and how to manage access budgets.
Explore how to make production more accessible for artists and
artworkers, including slow production methods, working with support
workers and how to centre health, wellbeing and access.
How can you make your workplace more accessible? This section will
cover how reasonable adjustments, flexible working, unionising,
pay, manageable workloads and recruitment can reduce access
barriers for artworkers.
Explore the access tools you can use to make artworks, exhibitions
and programmes accessible for audiences, from closed captions,
audio descriptions, seating, sign language interpretation, access
statement and much more.
Discover a range of access resources by disabled artists and
artworkers that can further support you on reducing access
barriers in the arts, including on how to make an access rider,
access suggestions for events and alt text.